Friday, June 12, 2009

The First Week

My first week at UNO was fun. It really showed me a glimpse of college life. I got to walk around the campus and kind of be a college student. No one but me and the other summer scholars knew that i was in high school so I was treated just like I went there.

Native American Studies Class- Native American Studies class is the course I'm taking. I like the class even though it was not my first choice. Our teacher, Cathi is Native American so it's cool to see what some one of that nation (because I learned that Native Americans are a nation) thinks about her history and what has come to be of her people. Plus it's better to learn this stuff from someone who actually knows what they're talking about and has lived with some of this stuff instead of just teaching us out of a text book. Cathi is hilarious and you can tell that she's really interested in what she teaches.

College 101- We only have this class three times a week but I can already tell that iut will teach me things that will help me get into college and get scholarships.

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